What’s in momojo?

Momojo is 100% New Zealand made in our brand new facility in Puhoi.

Our kefir is made from culture strains particularly chosen to promote the growth of kefiran. This probiotic biofilm is a result of fermentation and the bacterial cultures and yeast we use.

We also use natural fruit and natural flavouring ingredients.

Probiotics in Momojo

Momojo contains living probiotic bacteria and yeasts. As these organisms are alive the product will change with time, depending on storage temperatures.

The probiotics in Momojo include:

Lactobacillus acidophilus

Lactobacillus lactis,

Lactobacillus plantarum

Leuconostoc mesenteroides,

Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus,

 Momojo also contains unknown bacteria derived from kefir grains present in the cultures used.

 In addition, Momojo contains yeasts.  This allows for a symbiotic community of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY) to co-exist and generate the unique properties associated with traditional kefir.   

 Yeasts are often excluded from modern day fermented dairy products, as they can produce excessive quantities of gas, causing bottles to explode or overflow when opening.  We have persisted with the use of yeasts, as we believe their inclusion provides greater health benefits and a more authentic kefir.  We have developed Momojo to ensure the yeasts do not exceed certain levels before the product reaches its best before date.  This prevents the product “blowing” when stored under refrigeration (<5 degrees C).

 The yeasts in Momojo are:

 Debaryomycès hansenii

Kluyveromycès marxianus

Naumovozyma species

Notes: (1) The results shown above are a summary of independent laboratory analysis of Momojo.

(2) Australian New Zealand Food Standards Code Standard 2.5.3 – 3(c) microorganisms from the added culture to be a minimum of 1,000,000 cfu/g


Some bacteria can synthesize sugars, forming stable complexes know as polysaccharides (or exopolysaccharides). The exopolysaccharides in kefir are known as kefiran and are reported to have exceptional film forming properties.  Kefiran is produced by certain bacteria, or by a combination of bacteria and yeasts used in the production of traditional kefir. 

We are working with international universities to better understand the kefiran in Momojo, and to find out more about the many benefits claimed for this substance in traditional kefir.

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